Dairy Programs
Agricultural Marketing Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Market Administrator's Office Atlanta,Georgia

Jason Nierman - Market Administrator
Florida Marketing Area - Federal Order 6
Southeast Marketing Area - Federal Order 7
                           Lab Test Results

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Marketing Services Overview

The Marketing Service function of the Atlanta Market Administrator (MA) includes the establishment or verification of milk weights and tests for independent or "non-member" dairy producers associated with the Southeast and Florida Marketing Areas.  To accomplish this, we operate a dairy laboratory and a bulk milk tank calibration program.

 Accessing Producer Test Results

The Atlanta MA laboratory currently tests producer samples for milk components, somatic cell count (SCC) and milk urea nitrogen (MUN) on a daily basis.  These test results are posted on a secure website each evening, available the next morning to provide producers access to their most up to date results.

After a producer establishes an account, a username and password are provided to allow for access to the secure test results website.  An example account has been established to illustrate what producers can access through an account.   Login Name: MATest      Password:MAPass123

Milk samples are typically tested on the day they are received in our lab and your most up to date test results are available for viewing on the website after 9PM EST/EDT of the evening your sample(s) are tested. Test results are available for viewing for up to the past 13 months.



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